Friday, June 24, 2011

Mexican Art! (Honduran Identity)

Today J. & I went to the Museo de la Identidad Nacional (Museum of the National [Honduran] Identity) located in the Tegucigalpa Centro. We'd tried to go previously, but arrived too late to see the virtual-Copan-3D-movie-you-just-can't-miss! So we came back. And the 3D Copan thing was pleasant, so I'm glad we did.

The purpose of the Museo is to preserve/reinforce/perpetuate/glorify the Honduran identity. Thus it is both unfortunate and ironic that my favorite thing about the museum was its temporary display of Mexican Contemporary Art. Oops. The permanent exhibit was well-maintained and very informative, but consisted entirely of panels upon panels of writing with very little museum-display material. I'd rather have read it all in a book. Before I launch into rhapsodies on the gloriousness of lithography here are some jewels from my lackadaisical scan of said museum panels.

1. There are 18 Honduran states. Back in the 1800s the state "Gracias a Dios" used to be located in the west, rather than east Honduras. I'm still not quite sure how that happened. I imagine it was kind of like renaming New York California.

2. Democracy was consolidated (The panels only went up to 2005).

3. Copan used to be painted red! (I actually learned this from the virtual-movie-tour)

4. It is the best to be Honduran.

Now, feast your eyes upon these works of art. The exhibit was strictly contemporary and focused on works created between 1972 and 2004. Some of my favorite artists exhibited were Jose Luis Cuevas, Francisco Toledo, Maximinio Javier, Francisco Zuniga, and Remigio de Hayos. I was particularly smitten with this image Dolores sentada painted by Zuniga.

Isn't this beautiful and aren't her arms fabulous? This painting inspires me to paint arms always. As does this painting (also by Zuniga).

Francisco Toledo was also rather wonderful, his use of complementary colors and weird shapes absolutely exquisite. My favorite painting of his at the exhibit--Reflejo de caballos--is unfindable through my cursory google image searches, so here's a picture of Sr. Toledo instead.

Doesn't he look cute and quirky?

Finally, this painting by Remigio Valdes de Hoyos was another favorite. As J. so aptly put it, it's kind of like a whole chick flick in painting form. It's called Contemplando el beso. Sigh.

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