Tuesday, June 28, 2011

I'm a sucker for fresh bread and fresh cheese.

On Saturday, Hno. V (+the family) took J. & I to the Universidad Zamorano--an agricultural school renowned throughout the Americas for its awesomeness. I'm also a sucker for anything "home-grown" and bought a multitude of jams, honey, sausage, dried/sugared yams, chocolate milk, and cheese that were made from Zamorano's own cows, pigs, bees, mangoes, guayabas, and oranges. I wish I could describe to you the succulence which is Honduran cheese on Honduran bread, or Honduran honey on Honduran pancakes or how eating Spanish sausage with cheese with chili in the morning accompanied by chocolate milk makes one just feel ALIVE.

I don't know why Honduras is bringing out such food obsession. I can't even imagine what kind of monster I'd become were I to travel to France, Spain, or heaven forbid, Italy.


Jamie said...

I love and obsess over food. Nate just doesn't understand it hahaha. Italy has the most amazing food!

Kelsey said...

Oh Nathan. I'm glad you understand!