Thursday, September 1, 2011

wishing i hadn't left this in utah.

Also, I'm taking the GRE on Saturday.


K said...

I accidentally just stumbled upon your blog and started checking out your photos and almost died of jealousy when I saw that you were in my Honduran ward!!! I was a missionary in Palmira! I love those people! And now I'm in Provo and missing baleadas... thought you should know! :)

Kelsey said...

that's so cool! when did you get back? I absolutely loved the Palmira ward---Tegucigalpa was so great! When we'd were there though they'd transferred all the sisters out of our area for safety reasons which was sad :( You should make baleadas in Provo! Provo needs them!!

K said...

I got back in february...but that was my 2nd area so i was there 1.5 years ago! wow... that's so long ago! i talk to efrain once in a while (don't know if you ever met him) and he said that they pulled the sisters the transfer i went home... but i never had any problems there!!! did you do anything exciting while you were there? how are my members?