Monday, August 22, 2011

back in america

I've just about finished up Honduras, save for the head-achingly long paper I need to write by Wednesday about La Sucia and other variations of Honduran myth-tale. Honduras deserves a heart-warming experience summary and goodbye, but I'm tired and I need to write that paper so all I'll say is Honduras was/is great and I miss it a lot and I wouldn't trade my time there for time in any other part of the world. But also, I love America and am always most pleased to return to my patria.

The last few weeks have been filled with glorious days of basking in Utah (and for brief bits in Wyoming) with my glorious extended family. Having missed my elder brother's wedding, I at least got to attend his open house in which I labored diligently to hang lights and arrange flowers, and got to see my brother and new sis in all their radiant wedded-clothes glory. Also, I am kind of love in with my new sister-in-law. She's the best.

My padre and other brother were back in D.C. Oh well.

Then there was the Utah Shakespeare Festival in all its 50th anniversary glory where we saw the Glass Menagerie which I loved and Romeo & Juliet where all the men actors wore tights (distracting), and Midsummer's Night Dream which was magical except for the cheesy blinky toys the fairies used at the end.

And then off we went to Flaming Gorge which has been our family's real tradition since the beginning of time where we all camp and raft and hike and swim and I learn to cook bacon and when all the cousins hang out and it's just marvelous.

My buff little bro & the lake.

Just married and eating ice cream. So cute.
With the cousins.

The Green River.

Makin bacon.

The dam. The hike. The life.

It's a good summer.

1 comment:

A. said...

So much fun! Congrats to your brother. It was so good seeing you yesterday. :)