Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I don't like liver.

J. & I's travel plans are finally finalized and we will be teaching three workshops in our remaining three weeks, but NOT in Tegucigalpa. So exciting. But sad. We like Tegucigalpa. Speaking of workshops (which after all is why we are here) I present to you the pictures from our last two graduations (6 & 5).

Since our last few weeks will be filled with an abundance of travel so J. & I are making a big push to finish as much homework as possible in the next seven days. It's gross, but necessary.

On Sunday (see pictures in previous post), J. & I spent the day with Familia M. where Hno. M taught us to make tejadas estilo Tela which was basically fried green bananas topped with cabbage and meat. The most traditional meat topping consists of chicken innards (menudo) and I thought I could handle it, but after trying the liver I actually really, really couldn't. So. It was hamburger meat for me.

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