Saturday, July 16, 2011

fat & flexible

I miss brownies and chocolate chip cookies so much. SO MUCH. I blame my European ancestors.

Speaking of, J. & I may have enjoyed Honduran food a little too much. We're trying to do some damage control these last two weeks which J. tells me is very missionary-esque, except we only have two weeks instead of two transfers to lose our "mission weight." Wish us luck! Also, what's kind of wonderful about Honduras is that not only do I know that I've gained weight, but everyone is more than willing to confirm that fact. Just this Thursday I was told that my weight gain is especially notable in my face. Good times :) Today J. & I attended an enrichment activity which was, on all things, nutrition! After the nutrition workshop we made our way upstairs for the collective Relief Society birthday party where we ironically celebrated with mayonnaise sandwiches, cake, & soda. The highlight, however, was watching (and then participating) the good sisters ferociously beat the Minnie Mouse Head pinata to the point where the watching children began to cry. I, for one, feel much more relaxed and at one with the world.

A good thing though, is that the yoga-challenge is coming along swimmingly. Although I've not been the most consistent at yoga-ing every single day, I've become much more flexible and can now do impressive things like touching my toes for extended periods of time. MY HAMSTRINGS FEEL SO ALIVE!!

I'm off to eat cheese in a downward facing dog position.

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