Tuesday, July 5, 2011

And may there be continued peaceful relations between our two countries

Seasons greetings from J. & K!

Yesterday was the 4th of July. Hip hip! J. & I could not and did not resist the opportunity to invite over the CRE specialist (he served his mission Texas) and his family for a night filled with American fun. We were both quite impressed with ourselves considering that our holiday spirit for 4th of July pasts has been minimal, but I guess this holiday suddenly seemed much cooler since we were in Honduras. Anyway, J. & I hopped on the bandwagon by wearing subtle, yet unmistakable, homages to our patria during our workshop teaching (red dress, blue cardigan, white shoes, etc), eating at Wendy's (which was not unusual, but nothing says America like fries and Frosty), and then holding an American cena complete with homemade root-beer, corn on the cob, sloppy joes, jello, chips & dip, & lemonade. Also, most excitingly, after many, many attempts I succeeded at making brigadeiro (Thanks Caro!)!! Although brigadeiro is Brasilian, I say but hey, all of us who share this lovely Western Hemisphere are American right? And that's what 4th of July is all about.

In-action brigadeiro shot.

Although we failed at getting our hands on some super-legal* fireworks (they're out of season) we still held what can only be described as a raucous fiesta. Faces were painted with the Honduran & American flags, we listened to God Bless the USA numerous times, and then danced punta. Is there a better way to celebrate Independence? I think not.

Many thanks to Hno & Hna M. who were wonderful company and let me play with their children. It was a good day.

C. is my Honduran twin.

Please note that the American flag is being held up by little Mayan men from Copan.

I still have more to post on El Salvador so stay tuned! If you find you must have an update sooner feel free to check out J.'s blog. Till then.

*yeah, no.

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