Friday, July 26, 2013

DC, Utah, and the New & Old Englands

Things have been going swimmingly these past few months. Sorry dear readers (Dad & Grandpa) for not updating more regularly! There's been a lot of traveling a-going on with two visits to DC, two weeks in the Old England, a week in beautiful Utah, and some quick jaunts up to Boston. It's been lovely and exciting and I'm sad our traveling kick is over for the time being, but now we plan to actually enjoy and explore Connecticut which (subsequently) has been kind of neglected.

Also, I realize that just dumping photos of disparate places and travels is probably not the best blog posting/formatting technique, but I'm afraid if I don't post now, I never ever will. However, I reserve the right to re-post about our travels in more pithy and reflective forms. Here goes:

Our Nation's Capital

Busch Gardens in 100 degree humidity.

Fourth of July Fireworks at the Masonic Temple in Alexandria

The Most Beautiful Utah

These are the reasons Utah is the happiest state in the Nation.
Grandpa in spiffy new belt buckle & lovely cousin(s).

Hanging with the Grace. 

Assisting and presenting at the Margaret Cavendish Conference in Sundance. 
Pictures of tattoos of Cavendish frontispieces 
(that's how you prove you're committed to your research)

Eating lunch on the Alpine Lift.

I love Utah. So much. So much. So much.

The Old England (mostly Oxford)!

The Colleges of Merton & Magdalen.
 (And  the super famous people who went to said colleges, in this case T.S. Eliot & C.S. Lewis) 
In a related vein, whilst walking around Oxford I overheard students reciting 
"The Lovesong of J. Alfred Prufrock" just for fun.
This place is literary magic.

Alice's Door (the Alice of Wonderland) at Christ Church College (Lewis Carroll).

 Roses at Magdalen and the gardens of New College.

Reposing (with backpack?) at Blenheim Palace.

Sunset at Buckingham.

And finally, the newer England!

The LDS Boston Temple & hiking (on National Trail Day no less) in Middletown, Connecticut.

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