Monday, July 23, 2012

Mall-o-ree G.

The Influencers. While simply listing the people who influence me would certainly do some justice, I think it would be cooler to do a spotlight. A "this is who has influenced me and why" post celebrating and lauding those who influence. Here goes.

I never know whether to list last names on this blog. I usually try not to because of privacy and all, but you should know Mallorie has an awesome last name because she is a quarter Mexican which, of course, is also ridiculously awesome.

I met Mallorie my junior year of college when we were happenstance roommates. We bonded over frisbee, languages, and trips to the Richards Building. She's now one of my closest friends. My senior year we didn't live together but we spent lots (but not enough) time swimming together, training for our oh-so-epic Splash n' Dash, riding bikes to Spark, bemoaning our sad boy-less fates in our respective apartments, making our outings "learning experiences" by going to the MOA, to International Cinema, and "talking about things that mattered." During this past Fall semester when I was in DC and she was in Provo I'm pretty sure we exchanged about fifty emails ranging from newsy to deep to hey! a picture of Iceland to check out this YouTube video. She's visited me in DC, gone on double dates with me, advised me in all things petty to serious, and I miss her.

She looks gorgeous with or without makeup. She speaks and teaches German. She takes Church and all that  that entails very seriously. I admire her because she plans and she budgets (oh does she budget) and she is fiercely independent. She influences me to do good, to pray always, to follow my dreams, to be sarcastic sometimes, to work out regularly, to be patient, to be kind.

Mallorie G. You are the best.

1 comment:

Mallorie said...

Wow! A whole blog post to myself. :) How cheery. Thanks. You are also on my list of influencers.