Sunday, September 23, 2012

A Day in the Life

I am convinced that my life would appear much cooler if I had a camera, preferably a nice one. In these days of subsistence living (work all summer and pay off tuition for the rest of the year--and alas, I didn't even work full-time this summer!) my cheapy lifestyle and my dinky phone and sans-camera existence make for an unimpressive online presence. Why do I care? I'm not sure. Facebook & blog jealousy I suppose. 

Anyway, here's a day in my life (typical, perhaps?) sans-pictures, sans-cutesy photos.

Hit snooze button on cell phone alarm at least four times (get twenty hazy minutes of extra sleep)
Hastily finish last minute lesson plans. 
Apply make up.
Race to campus. 
Arrive at class a good five minutes before eight. Attempt to appear cool and collected. Again wonder why I insist on using my backpack instead of something more chic- and instructor-looking. Am pleased, however, with my semi-formal outfit of second-hand skinny slacks and vest w/button-up shirt. 
Teach--pontificate upon subjective grading of writing. Praise class blog posts. Introduce rhetorical analysis. Feel warm and fuzzy towards my students, am unsure how they feel about me (graduate instructor of little experience).
Eat breakfast burrito at Taco Bell.
Head off to the Maeser Building. 
Spend 6+ hours organizing and reviewing Fulbright applications, eating starbursts, scholarship consulting with the drop-ins, and making spreadsheets.
Race home to shower.
Am picked up by favorite other graduate student to drive to British Literature faculty/grad student dinner.
Apply make up in car.
Spend 2+ hours enjoying good food and geeking out about talking to professors like I'm a real person. Talk around my graduate emphasis saying vague things like the Renaissance and Romanticism in attempt to appear direction-full. Am still pleased with vest/button-up shirt outfit.
Am dropped off at M's apartment. Discuss going to International Cinema. Nix. Too tired. Talk until too sleepy to talk anymore. 
M. walks me home.
I fall asleep while watching Elizabeth: The Golden Age for my Renaissance Literature and Modern Film Adaptation seminar. 
Am happy. 


A. said...

Sounds like a wonderfully perfect day.

Unknown said...

You don't need a camera, you paint pictures with your words. You have a beautiful life! So excited for all the wonderful things you are doing.