Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I'm supposed to be obssessed with Iceland

It's meant to be. This is why:

So, as I'm sure you're all aware, the first permanent settlement of Icelanders outside of Iceland is in Spanish Fork, UT. And Spanish Fork, UT happens to be very, very close to my current place of residence. And guess what? My (Welsh, eh I can't have it all) great-grandfather totally lived in Spanish Fork!

And you know why all those Icelanders came to Utah? Because they were Mormon of course. You see, a long time ago (circa 1850s) some Icelanders became Mormons and left Iceland for Utah. Most of these first Mormon-Icelandic pioneers came from here:

This is a picture of the island Vestmannaeyjar. It is a very small island off the southern coast of Iceland.

Vestmannaeyjar happens to be very close to another even smaller island where Bjork's home lives.

Iceland gave this house to Bjork because she was famous. Also, Vestmannaeyjar just happens to be the local of the annual puffin festival that I had previously blogged about here.

So, obviously, the fact that I:

A) Am Mormon
B) Have ties to Spanish Fork
C) Love Bjork
D) Had previously blogged about Vestmannaeyjar without even knowing that Mormon-Icelanders came from there
E) Live in Utah (home of the first permanent Icelandic settlement)

means that

A) My obsession with Iceland is Right, Good, and Destined
B) I will probably get a M.A. in either Polar Law or Old Nordic Religion at either the University of Akureyri or the University of Iceland
C) I am an epic puffin-slayer
D) I am therefore awesome
E) I am most likely descended from Lief Erikson and consequently am the Queen of North America. Huzzah!


Alyssa said...

I love you, and your obsession with Iceland! It's definitely destiny.

greenbandman said...

Bjork turned down the island so it isn't Bjork's Island.