This blog post is a shout out to Lisa.
This blog post is not a shout out to how Lisa ditched out on me on what could've been an epic all-nighter of paper writing.
This blog post is not a shout out to how I slept through my alarm this morning.
This blog post is a shout out to Mark Twain.
This blog post is a shout out to Sylvia Plath.

This blog post is a shout out to 25%-off-poetry-sales-at-the-BYU-Bookstore-combined-with-poor-spending-habits.
This blog post is not a shout out to ennui/incredible lack of motivation despite dreadfully impending finals, tests, packings, movings, leavings, and missings.
Holla, Mark Twain, Sylvia Plath, sleeping in, and books on sale.
Ex-nay on the olla-hay for sleeping through alarms, me being lame and ditching out on all-nighters, and other of the lamer things in life.
But holla at you. And holla at me, maybe.
(By the way, saying the word holla always reminds me of challah bread--that braided Jewish bread that is so good? Yeah, that stuff.)
this is magical.
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